We all want to start a blog, but how much of us actually have the guts to do so?
Starting a blog is never easy, especially a beauty blog. So, er goes my attempt to do this "bloggy thingy."
My inspiration to start a beauty blog came right after opening my September's edition of my Ipsy bag last week. I thought it would also be a great venue to provide exposure to my small business "Doll House TT"
Well, that and the fact that i had to start a blog as part of my course "Social Media Communications" this semester, that i think is pretty awesome btw.
Just putting it out there that i am no "beauty guru" but i have looked at enough Jaclyn Hill and Desi Perkins video to know more than a thing or two.
I also do not believe that a woman needs to wear makeup all the time to feel beautiful, we all know
Confidence is Everything
- FleekyAnd confidence is more important than any beauty product.
So, join me in this journey of exploring beauty and makeup and everything in between!!
Looking forward to your future posts.